Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tips from your Trainer to Avoid the Slug Feeling post Thanksgiving Dinner

I know that many of you don't want to hear from me. It is the day to eat everything you want. But be aware, in this weekend alone you could gain 3 to 5 pounds according to my friend, Dr. Roy Heron who runs a weight loss center in the DC area. Even if you think that you won't put on that much in a day or weekend of eating, think of all food deprivation and hard work that you did exercising to lose a pound in the last month. It ain't easy because there are 3500 calories in a pound. So, please, don't undo what you have worked so hard to lose in one day or weekend.

Here are some tips from myself and Dr. Roy Heron:    

# 1 On my list - Wear control top panty hose and/or tight belt/pants. You won't be able to fit as much in and will full faster.

#2 Don't starve yourself all day. You will just indulge at Thanksgiving Dinner.

#3 Have a piece of fruit or raw vegetables with a glass of water an hour before dinner.

#4 Drink 2 glasses of cold water during your Thanksgiving dinner.

#5 Eat dinner on a dessert plate and not a dinner plate.

#6 Avoid white bread, pasta, or rice like the plague.
#7 No Second Helpings!

#8 Portion Control

Enjoy your family and friends and don't make eating the highlight!

With warm hugs,

Ellen Yates and Dr. Roy Heron

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