Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Preparation for July Exercise Prescriptions

A reminder that July 1 is this Thursday. N2SHAPE is in the process of completing your Exercise Prescriptions for the month of July.

In preparation for that,

1. Listed below is June's prescription. Please take a moment to review, let us know if you would like to make any changes to it and if your fitness goals have changed.
2. If you prefer a to be excluded from this list and would like a prescription sent to your private e-mail, please let us know.
3. If we don't hear from you by Tues, June 29, then we will assume that you have the same goals as last month, will prescribe based upon our recommendations, and will assume that you want to be added to the list.

Monthly Exercise Prescriptions for June

Private Training Clients
Cori- PT on Mon 5:15 am. GT every other week on Thurs at 6:15 am, cardio on own.
Holly - PT on Tues 5:15 am, Run 8 miles per week.
Brian - PT on Tues 5:15 am, Run 8 miles per week.
Kathy- PT on Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30 am. Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Carol - PT Wed & Fri 8:30 am. Expresso Bike on own 120 minutes per week. Weigh in Fridays.
Michelle - PT Mon 9:15 am & Fri 8:30 am. 30 minutes bike 5 days per week. Eating Mantras daily.
Gary - PT Mon & Wed 9:15 am. Spinning on Thurs 9:00 am. Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Fran - PT Mon 10 am & Thurs 10:45 am. Trekking on Wed 10:00 am. Warmup 1 mile prior to PT sessions.
Karen - PT Tues 9:15 am. Trekking Wed 10 am. Spin or Yoga Thurs 9:00 am. One recreation activity per week. Food diary to Ellen weekly.
Connie - PT Mon 11:00 am. Trekking Wed 10 am. Walking 90 minutes per week.
Trishla - On vacation for June.
Vanesa - GT on Tues 6:15 am as able. Spin (2). Run 3 miles. PT Fri 12:00 pm. FT Sat 8:00 am. Portion and fat control.
Luis - Trekking on Wed at 10 am. Yoga on Thurs 9:30 am. PT Fri 11:00 am. Run 2 miles per week.
Neil - Yoga on Mon. Wed WT on own & 1 mile TM. PT Fri 10:00 am (one mile TM warmup).
John - On vacation for June.
Edgar - PT Tues & Thurs 8 am. Cardio on own 150 minutes per week. PU's 150 & Situps 150 per week.
Helene & Qunicey - PT Tues 11 am. WT routine on own 2x/wk as prescribed by Ellen.
Sherry - PT Tues & Thurs 12:30 pm. TM walking 1 mile 2x/wk on own.
Sally - PT Tues 3:15 pm. WT routine on own 2x/wk as prescribed by Ellen. Food diary recorded.
Denise - PT Tues & Thurs 2:00 pm. Workout on Sundays with Richard. Walk around block Mon - Friday.
Diane - PT Mon & Fri 7:00 pm. Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Jackie - PT with Ellen 2x/wk. Times to be decided. Cardio on own 60 minutes per week. Portion & fat control.
Todd - PT with Ellen on Fri at 12:45 pm. Run 2x/wk for total of 6 miles. 100 pushups & 100 situps per week. Attend one Spin class per week by Ellen.
Meg & David - PT on Thurs 8 pm. David - Two times WT & cardio 120 minutes per week. Meg - Swimming and activity as tolerated.
Emily & Joy - PT on Sat 10:15 am at FCA. Emily - Trekking on Wed 12:30 pm, Hiking one time per week. Joy - Total Cardio 200 minutes per week. One hike on own.

Group Training

Mon & Wed Evening - GT two times per week.
Sharonee (120 min cardio & WW)
Suzette (Zumba twice, step once, and cardio machines 40 minutes)
Cris (80 minutes cardio on own)
Maryl (Pilates-2, Cardio-120 minutes, Food diary to Ellen weekly
Kristen (160 min cardio, food diary to Ellen weekly)

Wed Evening - GT one time per week
Diane (injured reserve)
Ayesha - 60 minutes of cardio per week, P90X 3x/wk.

Tues Morning- GT two times per week
Mary-Spin (2), Trekking (1).

Tues Morning - GT one time per week
Julie - Spin (1), Run 6 miles, WT or Body Pump (1). WEP to Ellen weekly recorded.
Kimya - Spin (2), Run 10 miles per week, WT on own one time per week, Weight Watchers.

Thurs Morning - GT One time per week.
Carol - Spin (2), Run 3-5 miles per week.
Donna - Spin (2), Cardio on own 60 minutes.
Deb - Spin (2), Trekking (1), Cardio on own 60 minutes.
Cori (every other week & see private training)
Mary (see two Tues morning two times per week)

Sat Morning - GT One time per week.
Armida - Yoga (1), Treadmill (60 min), Swimming (60 min), Zumba/Kickboxing (60 min), food diary to Ellen weekly
Diane -injured reserve

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