Sunday, May 30, 2010

N2SHAPE News & Exercise Prescriptions for June

Message from Ellen

It's the end of the month and time for me to do your Weekly Exercise Prescriptions.  With the start of a new month, N2SHAPE will be switching to monthly exercise prescriptions.  Why? 

1.  We can spend more time educating ourselves to bring you the latest exercises and research in the industry.
2.  Give you monthly goals that you are accountable to so that if you have a bad week or week that you are away, you can still meet them. 
3.  Give you N2SHAPE News in the form of an Newsletter combined with Exercise Prescriptions that also include the monthly schedule. 

If you think that this is a bad idea, let me know.  I always appreciate your feedback as you are my bosses and without it, N2SHAPE cannot strive to be all that it can be!

Events & Classes

10 Week Summer Fitness Classes
 in Arlington
  1. Early registration by June 15 for discount. 
  2. All classes start June 21. 
  3. Open to all.
Signup or more info by clicking on these links:

Group Training Schedule for June
in Tysons Corner

Group Training (by reservation only)
Mon & Wed 5:15 & 6:15 pm
Tues & Thurs 6:15 am
Sat 9:00 am

Trekking (by reservation only)
Wed 10:00 am

Corporate Fitness Schedule for June

Farm Credit Administration (FCA), McLean, VA 
Mon 12:30 pm Weight Training
Wed 12:30 pm Trekking
To register, e-mail

Association for School Curriculum Development (ASCD), Alexandria, VA
New Yoga classes start in June.  To register, e-mail

IDR Inc., McLean, VA 
Personal & Group Training.  To sign-up, e-mail

Group Exercise Classes
taught by Ellen Yates in Tysons Corner

Spinning Mon, Wed, Fri 6:15 am
Spinning Thurs 9:00 am
Functional Training Sat 8:00 am

Monthly Exercise Prescriptions for June

Private Training Clients
Cori- PT on Mon 5:15 am.  GT every other week on  Thurs at 6:15 am, cardio on own.
Holly - PT on Tues 5:15 am, Run 8 miles per week.
Brian - PT on Tues 5:15 am, Run 8 miles per week.
Kathy- PT on Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30 am.  Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Carol - PT Wed & Fri 8:30 am.  Expresso Bike on own 120 minutes per week.  Weigh in Fridays.
Michelle - PT Mon 9:15 am & Fri 8:30 am.  30 minutes bike 5 days per week.  Eating Mantras daily.
Gary - PT Mon & Wed 9:15 am.  Spinning on Thurs 9:00 am.  Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Fran - PT Mon 10 am & Thurs 10:45 am.  Trekking on Wed 10:00 am.  Warmup 1 mile prior to PT sessions.
Karen - PT Tues 9:15 am. Trekking Wed 10 am.  Spin or Yoga Thurs 9:00 am.  One recreation activity per week.  Food diary to Ellen weekly. 
Connie - PT Mon 11:00 am.  Trekking Wed 10 am.  Walking 90 minutes per week. 
Trishla - On vacation for June. 
Vanesa - GT on Tues 6:15 am as able. Spin (2). Run 3 miles. PT Fri 12:00 pm. FT Sat 8:00 am.  Portion and fat control.
Luis - Trekking on Wed at 10 am. Yoga on Thurs 9:30 am.  PT Fri 11:00 am.  Run 2 miles per week.
Neil - Yoga on Mon.  Wed WT on own & 1 mile TM.  PT Fri 10:00 am (one mile TM warmup).
John - On vacation for June.
Edgar - PT Tues & Thurs 8 am.  Cardio on own 150 minutes per week.  PU's 150 & Situps 150 per week.
Helene & Helene  - PT Tues 11 am.  WT routine on own 2x/wk as prescribed by Ellen. 
Sherry - PT Tues & Thurs 12:30 pm.  TM walking 1 mile 2x/wk on own.
Sally - PT Tues 3:15 pm.  WT routine on own 2x/wk as prescribed by Ellen.  Food diary recorded.
Denise - PT Tues & Thurs 2:00 pm.  Workout on Sundays with Richard.  Walk around block Mon - Friday.
Diane - PT Mon & Fri 7:00 pm.  Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.
Jackie - PT with Ellen 2x/wk.  Times to be decided.  Cardio on own 60 minutes per week.  Portion & fat control.
Chips - PT with Ellen to be decided.
Todd - PT with Ellen on Fri at 12:45 pm.  Run 2x/wk for total of 6 miles.  100 pushups & 100 situps per week.  Attend one Spin class per week by Ellen. 
Meg & David - PT on Thurs 8 pm.  David - Two times WT & cardio 120 minutes per week.  Meg - Swimming and activity as tolerated.
Emily & Joy - PT on Sat 10:15 am at FCA. Emily - Trekking on Wed 12:30 pm, Hiking one time per week.  Joy - Total Cardio 200 minutes per week.  One hike on own. 

Group Training

Mon & Wed Evening - GT two times per week.
Sharonee (120 min cardio & WW)
Suzette (Zumba twice, step once, and cardio machines 40 minutes)
Cris (80 minutes cardio on own)
Maryl (Pilates-2, Cardio-120 minutes, Food diary to Ellen weekly
Kristen (160 min cardio, food diary to Ellen weekly)

Wed Evening - GT one time per week
Diane (injured reserve)
Ayesha - 60 minutes of cardio per week, P90X 3x/wk.

Tues Morning- GT two times per week
Mary-Spin (2), Trekking (1).

Tues Morning - GT one time per week
Julie - Spin (1), Run 6 miles, WT or Body Pump (1).  WEP to Ellen weekly recorded.
Kimya - Spin (2), Run 10 miles per week, WT on own one time per week, Weight Watchers. 

Thurs Morning - GT One time per week.
Carol - Spin (2), Run 3-5 miles per week.
Donna - Spin (2), Cardio on own 60 minutes. 
Deb - Spin (2), Trekking (1), Cardio on own 60 minutes.
Cori (every other week & see private training)
Mary (see two Tues morning two times per week)

Sat Morning - GT One time per week.
Armida - Yoga (1), Treadmill (60 min), Swimming (60 min), Zumba/Kickboxing (60 min), food diary to Ellen weekly
Diane -injured reserve

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Biggest muscle in Body: Quadriceps

I always thought the gluts were biggest muscle. Just read it was the quadriceps!
Thank goodness for kid actvities. I have an hour to myself.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Anyone feel sorry that I had four 5 ams this week and only twice did they show?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Remember sunscreen even if you are out for a short jog or run.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A exercise session a day keeps the doctor away.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Careful to not overeat when you are sleep deprived. Hydrate and exercise. Protein shakes are great energizers with fruit mixed in.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Time clock is 430 am to wake up on day off? Darn it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Any inspirational words my friends would help to get me through this long day. Thinking for people and motivating from 6 a to 8 p

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's Monday again. Where did the weekend go? Time to get your groove back.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

McLean Day after training in the morning. Its going to be fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's FRIDAY again. the weekend will go so fast. Enjoy every moment.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Look forward to a beautiful week with a positive attitude.

Friday, May 7, 2010

So much to do and so little time. Take it one step at a time but make sure you take that first step to get N2SHAPE!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Remember your Mom today and workout in her honor. She made many sacrifices to raise you so do the same when you are working out.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Survival of the fittest. But don't lose your heart or emotions.
Shake those muscles up today with something different.