Tuesday, March 31, 2009

N2SHAPE's Fruit for April


  • The United States is the top strawberry producing country in the world, followed by Spain.
  • The typical modern strawberry is a hybrid from both North and South America.
  • Strawberries are are low in calories and high in Vitamins & Minerals.

    Serving Size: 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries (166 grams)

Calories 50
Protein 1 gram
Carbohydrates 11.65 grams
Dietary Fiber 3.81 grams
Calcium 23.24 mg
Iron 0.63 mg
Magnesium 16.60 mg
Phosphorus 31.54 mg
Potassium 44.82 mg
Selenium 1.16 mg
Vitamin C 94.12 mg
Folate 29.38 mcg
Vitamin A 44.82 IU

Friday, March 20, 2009

Re: Moderate Drinking May Build Bone Density

Moderate drinking may help build bone density

People who enjoy a glass or two of wine or beer every day could be helping to keep their bones strong, new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests. However, drinking more -- and choosing hard liquor instead of wine or beer -- may actually weaken bones, Dr. Katherine Tucker of Tufts University in Boston and her colleagues found.

In an interview with Reuters Health, Tucker agreed that keeping track of the health benefits and risks of alcohol is tough these days. "It is very confusing for people because alcohol has such diverse effects on different things," she said; for example, while drinking may prevent heart disease, it increases breast cancer risk. Nevertheless, the researcher added, the effect of alcohol on bone mineral density (BMD) that she and her colleagues saw was "larger than what we see for any single nutrient, even for calcium. It's not ambiguous. It's very clear."

"The main message here is that if you are drinking up to one or two glasses of wine or beer a day, you don't need to stop for your bones' sake, in fact it's helpful," the researcher said. "It's a personal decision."

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online February 25, 2009.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Scissor-middle-wide Jumps | LIVESTRONG.COM

"We do this exercise in our training sessions and in Boot Camp. However, this is a bit different version and without weights. "
Scissor-middle-wide Jumps. Scissor-Middle-Wide is an endurance plyo combination designed to train your legs to stay elastic. Keep the rhythm consistent and stay low on the scissor and wide movements to the...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Re: Trekking with Ellen

Some of you have had the pleasure and/or challenge of Trekking with me. Everyone loves it and feels that they may be able to do it on their own. However, it just is not possible to push yourself to the point where you are uncomfortable. That is why you need the help and motivation of a experienced and professional trainer that can push you every step of the way but knows when you need to stop.

Why are you offering Trekking? The lastest research is that it takes 250-300 minutes of cardiovascular per week to keep your weight off and weight down. Many people do cardio but don't work hard enough. Trekking will push you beyond and allow you to understand how hard you should be working on your own.

What is Trekking? Doing intervals of speed and hills on a Treadmill in a Group with a personal trainer motivating you and pushing you to work a bit harder and a bit past your comfort zone.

What if Walking on the Treadmill hurts me? You can choose another piece of Cardiovascular Equipment to Trek with us.

What are the benefits?
  • You will burn more calories with interval training in a Trekking fashion than you would on your own.
  • You will improve the strength of your heart.
  • You will feel invigorated and good about yourself.You will be taking your fitness level one step further.
  • You will be spend less time in the gym. As your heart gets stronger, you will be able to burn the same amount of calories in less time.

What benefits are there to improving the strength of my heart?
Your heart (which is a muscle) will be stronger requiring it to beat less and pump more efficiently. Hence, reduction in blood pressure and increase in HDL (good cholesterol). Long term: No more blood pressure medicine or cholesterol medicine which has side effects and is hard on the liver.

What time is it? Every Wed from 11 am to 11:45 am at the Treadmills.

What is the cost? 10 sessions for $18 or Drop in fee of $23

Do I have to be training with you to participate? Absolutely not. You can just come for the Trekking.

What about other days & times? I will offer private Trekking sessions for groups of four or more.

E-mail me for a trial session this Wednesday or one with your friends!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Re: The #1 Excuse in 2009 for Not Exercising - The Recession!

Ellen Yates, Personal Trainer Sound Off

I am frustrated and saddened by the fact that many have decided to add the Recession or the Economy to the list of their lame excuses for why they are not exercising. I am so sick and tired of having a client make progress towards becoming healthier, more fit, and being more productive for them only to turn around and say but I can't continue because of the economy. Ugh! Let me tell you? You cannot afford to not continue!

I have twisted myself and my business into a pretzel. I have made exceptions, I have worked with people's budgets, I have gone above and beyond the call of duty to the point where I am now making myself sick just to convince this person to continue training. If they don't train with me, they AIN'T GONNA TRAIN. HEAR ME - YOU AIN'T GONNA TRAIN.

You think that you are, you think that you are going to on your own - maybe for a week or two but guaranteed that you will lose the results that you gained and in the process put on more weight. You will become less fit and ultimately the next time that you step in the gym, it is because the doctor tells you that you have to or else your heart is going to explode!

I have been training since 1983. I am not telling you this because I want the money or the business. I am telling you the facts. Face the facts! Listen to the professional. I am not in Car Sales or Furniture Sales. I am a well educated and experienced fitness professional that knows what she is talking about. I am tired of banging my head up against the wall!